“Out of the overflow of the heart, the brush speaks.”
A life of colour and freedom, a life of easy laughter, is no accident.
You choose where you live, and how you live, and why you live, and it shapes you.
If Karin Corrigan chose to live in London or New York or Tokyo, she’d have a particular mood, which would be reflected in her art. But Karin chose Noordhoek, on the wind-scrubbed southern cape of Africa, where the few inhabitants happily value its relaxed lifestyle over stock charts and suburban lawn-care.
In 2008, Karin chose to live in Kingston in Tasmania – a happily ignored speck of an under-populated island inconsequentially placed in the Roaring Forties, south of the Australian mainland.
“I don’t do drab. And I don’t do dark”, says Karin.
Art imitates life.
Life is too short to brood.